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This religion is not neither buried nor the body is burnt

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There are many religions around the world, and every religion has its own traditions and methods. One of the important aspects of this is the funeral process after death. Different religions treat the dead body differently after death. Let us know about the funeral traditions of some major religions.

Funeral Rites in Hinduism

In Hinduism, when a person dies, the body is usually cremated. This process is done to purify the fire and give peace to the soul. But when it comes to small children, they are floated in rivers instead of being cremated. This gives peace to their soul and they get a place in heaven.

Burial Traditions in Islam and Christianity

In Islam, the dead are buried. This process is done to show respect to the body of the deceased. The same tradition is followed in Christianity, where there is a rule to bury the dead. In both religions, some special prayers are also offered at the time of burial.

Unique tradition of Parsi community

In the Parsi community, the dead are kept in the Tower of Silence instead of being buried or cremated. This is a special place where the dead body is kept in the open so that it can decompose naturally. This tradition is a way of showing respect to the dead, according to the Zoroastrian religion.

Sky Burial Tradition of Tibetan Buddhists

The Buddhist community in Tibet follows a unique funeral process called Sky Burial. When a Buddhist dies, the body is wrapped in white cloth and kept at home for 3 to 5 days. During this time, Buddhist monks offer religious prayers, which purifies the soul.

On the day of cremation of the body, it is taken to a hill and placed on a flat place. There, a special smoke is made, which attracts birds like vultures and eagles and crows. In this process, there is a burial master, who cuts the body into small pieces. This process is a way of liberation of the soul for Tibetan Buddhists.

Ban on Sky Burial

Although the tradition of sky burial is prevalent among Tibetan Buddhists, it is not recognized in many countries. It is banned in many countries including the US. If a Tibetan Buddhist dies in the US, he is brought to Tibet with a permit for sky burial. Thus, the funeral traditions of different religions not only reflect their beliefs but also show respect to the dead. Whether it is the cremation of Hinduism, burial of Islam and Christianity, the Tower of Silence of the Parsi community, or the sky burial of Tibetan Buddhists—all of them have a deep understanding and reverence towards life and death.

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